As mentioned, there is a page for each of the menu items - it is a master page containing many subordinate pages. the structure of the website can be compared to an organisation chart for a company. At the top level live the Directors in boxes, beneath them middle management (possibly many layers) and the workers live at the bottom. The structure can also be considered as a tree - the workers are the leaves of the tree.
In the chart below, the menu items live in the square boxes. then come intermediate pages and finally the workers. In Webspeak the workers are child pages that contain the textual and visual content that the reader sees on the website.
Here is the structure or the organisation of the entire website:
Another way to think about this is as an expandable table of contents.
In case that is hard to read, here is the section under the menu "Music Making":
The purpose of navigation is to focus on the low level content - text and images - in order to make changes to them. The administration interface displays this structure turned on its side. So let us go there.
First, we need to enter the "admin" interface. Go to the admin. You will be prompted for name and password (ask Communications Manager of Chairman of the Board for this).
If you use a password manager, such as LastPass, this can be automated.
After a few seconds, you will see the dashboard of the admin.
Don't panic. Instead, click the "pages" icon in the left panel, and you now see the pages the (organization) structure
Now click the button on the top left labelled "Expand all", and you will see the structure totally expanded - the comlete structure. Below is the first screenful.
You should here be readily able to locate the page that you want to change. Click on the page name to make changes.
Once you are familiar with the structure of the site, you may prefer to expand only the area of interest. In the unexpanded structure any master page has a blue circle with a plus sign inside, click there expands that page showing its children. Just drill down until you reach the desired page.
For example, to reach Gord's bio you would expand the following pages in order: music making, conductors, Gord.
Generally, pages with children have no textual content. Rather they contain technical and structural information used to guide the display of their children. You can access these pages by selecting the name, but should probably not change anything.
Generally, only pages without children (leaves of the structure tree) have content and images.