Please enter most recent changes at the top.
Date | Action | Name |
2019-03-12 | Credited Dave Madill with first website | Norma |
2019-03-10 | Announcement of Spring Fling | Norma |
2019-02-26 | Removed announcement of Winterlude | Norma |
2019-02-26 | Internal section with Announcements from the BOD | Norma |
2019-02-26 | Professional photos password protected in archives 2017 | Norma |
2019-02-06 | Archive on Lorna's award last June | Norma |
2019-02-06 | Fill in band names in concert recordings June 2018 | Norma |
2019-01-02 | Updated coming events | Norma |
2019-01-02 | Updated member application form and Green Band info day (date and contact info | Norma |
2018-12-08 | Updated Coming Events | Norma |
2018-12-08 | Changed homepage button from Hot Press to Coming Events | Norma |
2018-12-08 | New archives Halloween, Christmas Party, Concert photos | Norma |
2018-12-06 | Uploaded concert videos | Norma |
2018-12-04 | Updated Finance Policy document | Lorna |
2018-11-20 | Announce Christmas concert | Norma |
2018-12-12 | Included Rick's how to practise in archives | Norma |
2018-11-20 | Announce Christmas concert | Norma |
2019-06-15 | Many changes updating coming events | Norma |
Date | Action | Name |
2019-01-02 | Images for conductors, band and ensembles moved to content level | Norma |
2019-01-20 | Improvements to archives - all images are now links | Norma |
2019-01-02 | Removed forgot login button | Norma |
2019-01-02 | Blueprints for item and list-item to expect extra frontmatter from admin | Norma |
2018-12-12 | Events in archives automatically show galleries if there are pictures | Norma |
2018-12-12 | enabled links for the conductor pics and archive picture headers showing bluish as links elsewhere | Norma |
2018-12-11 | Updated rtfm | Norma |
2018-12-10 | Bought a security certificate, announced official | James |
2018-12-07 | Announced change to VPS server | James |
2018-12-04 | Moved to VPS server | James |
2019-05-10 | Copied all Carol's videos to PNHB Youtube channel and updated links | James |
2019-05-15 | Rewrote video display to display links to all videos in subdirectories, no need for frontmatter tables | norma |
2019-07-10 | Replaced music-group with picture-group for more generality and ease of maintenance, produces picture lists of all elements without the need for frontmatter | norma |
2019-07-15 | Created Learning Centre | norma |
2019-12-27 | Rewrote concert-videos TWIG to use You Tube videos as well as local video files | norma |
2020-07-28 | Simplfied blog_item twig - supports gallery = false, no more captions. Music Library archive shows how to simulate captions manually without a gallery | norma |
2020-08-02 | Finally, stopped allowing for forgot password option | norma |
2020-08-18 | Cleaned up twig overrides in PNHBtheme - base no longer overridden, only two overrides in Blog, archive page now called blog | norma |
2020-08-29 | Fixed up login so that there is no remember me, no email, and instructions to email for name and password | norma |
2020-11-16 | Changed concert-videos TWIG (again). Videos that are on YouTube are listed in the header of for each concert: an array pair for each performance links the name of the piece with the YT address. |